EDFI High-Level Dialogues | Maximizing Private Investment and Job Impacts
EDFI co- hosted an event at CSIS, on the margins of the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings in Washington, DC. The discussion focused on the challenges confronted by development finance institutions to maximise private investment and jobs impacts.
On 17 October in Washington DC, more than 150 participants exchanged on the increasing role of European DFIs’ in mobilizing the private sector and its ability to create and measure job creation.
DFIs’ Role in mobilizing Private Investment
DFIs are playing a much more critical role than 10 years ago and are being asked by they shareholders to step up and take up much bigger challenges. This first conversation between a Minister and a representative of the European Commission focused on the instrumental role of DFIs in bridging investment gaps and steering private capital into developing countries. They also discussed the High-level Wise Persons Group Report on the European financial architecture for development.
Investing to Create Jobs
The role of DFis in measuring the impact of job creation does not only focus on its direct economic impact. European DFIs in particular are paving the way to create decent jobs which also allow for positive social envornmental impact. Participants exchanged on their efforts to measure job impact with a specific focus on Africa and the recent EDFI Impact Harmonization Initiative.
- Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, in charge of the Fight against Tax Fraud, and Minister of Development Cooperation, Belgium
- Katarína Mathernová, Deputy Director General, European Commission
- Daniel F. Runde, Senior Vice President, CSIS
- Liz Lloyd, Chief Impact Officer, CDC Group (UK)
- Chantal Korteweg, Director, Stakeholders, Strategy & Knowledge Management, FMO (Netherlands)
- Sanjeev Gupta, Executive Director for Financial Services, Africa Finance Corporation
- Paul Lamontagne, Chief Executive Officer, FinDev Canada
- Romina Bandura, Senior Fellow, CSIS
- Bruno Wenn, Chairman, EDFI